Life Coach Radio


Are you speaking the language of woundology or are you gaining wisdom from your wounds and rising above.

The traumas you have experienced in your childhood can keep you repeating the patterns of being a victim if you do not take a deep dive into uncovering your true essence and spirit which is pure love.

If you do not feel this love within yourself, then there is a part of yourself that needs your attention. Relationships can trigger those wounds you experienced in childhood and will continue to haunt you until you take the time to heal them. This takes real honesty and awareness to expose those hurts. It takes a willingness to be raw and vunerable so that you begin to release the pain that keeps you a victim of your past.

Taking an introspective examination into your beliefs, behaviors, thoughts, feelings, and actions will uncover the emotions that stir up the feelings of unworthiness, self-loathing, not feeling good enough, and all those negative feelings that you keep you repeating.

Emotions are energy in motion. You must move the energy out of your mind/body to heal and release the traumas that keep you stuck.

Here are 3 ways that will help you feel better, so you can begin living a happy, whole, and abundant life full of love.

  1. Dance- move your body. Tai-chi, or Qigong, martial arts, somatic dance, and other practices like this will center your being and create coherence within your heart and mind.
  2. Practice mindfulness by meditating for 15-20 every day. It is essential to keep you grounded and present in the moment.
  3. Connect with nature. Even if you live in a city, you can find a place where there are trees, flowers, or any type of natural life so that you can focus on the beauty of the natural world.

Once you begin taking the time to change the old patterns of being wounded, you will uncover the wisdom of the traumas that will set your free. Your life will then begin to unfold in glorious ways. You will feel the love inside of you, outside of you and in everything.

By Dr. Monica

Listen to our coaching conversation below on Life Coach Radio Podcast -‘Is Your Past Making You Feel Wounded or Wise’ for more.

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