Life Coach Radio


Don’t Settle

Did you ever have a dream of something that made you feel so alive that you thought it was real? If you have then what would prevent you from achieving that desire? If you haven’t, then what can you do to stir up your imagination to create that dream? You see, we all long for something more. It is human nature to want to manifest our inspirations, goals, and desires, but unfortunately most people just settle for something way less than what we can obtain. Whether we feel unworthy or feel it is too hard, to much work, to costly, or a million other reasons why we rationalize or what I call (rational lies) to ourselves why we will never make that dream a reality. Either you go for the life you want, or you settle for the life you got! There is a joy in the journey when you continually move toward that dream. There are unseen forces ready to help you if you are deeply committed to living your best life. Yes, you will have to do things that are going to stretch you, and test you, however if you ready to go for it, then those obstacles will not hold you back. 

So, go for it! Don’t settle for a mediocre life. There is more for you if you allow yourself to dream!  If you settle, you will regret it for the rest of your life. You will beat yourself up by saying, I should of, I could of, I would of, but I didn’t.  Life should be a glorious adventure. Now is the time to dream and walk into your dream.

By Dr. Monica

Listen below to our coaching conversation ‘Stop Settling’ to learn more about why you settle and how to allow the life you want. 

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